PhD completed by Mateus Hofmann

The PhD defense of CORE Group member Mateus Hofmann took place today, March 21, who presented his thesis titled “Sustainable bio-based resins and fibre-polymer composites for civil engineering structural applications”. The thesis was unanimously approved “With Distinction and Honour” by a jury composed of Professor Jorge de Brito (IST-UL), Professor Jorge Coelho (FCTUC), Dr. Susana Cabral-Fonseca (LNEC), Professor Fernando Branco (IST-UL) and Professor João Ramôa Correia (IST-UL).

During the last 4 years, Mateus developed bio-based unsaturated polyester resins for structural applications in FRP composite materials under the supervision of Professor João Ramôa Correia and co-supervision of Dr. Mário Garrido and Professor João Bordado. We congratulate Mateus Hofmann on receiving the Doctoral degree in Civil Engineering by Instituto Superior Técnico (University of Lisbon) and wish him the greatest success in his future endeavours!