CORE Group members Inês Rosa, Lourenço Fernandes and João Ramôa Correia were awarded by International Institute for FRP in Construction (IIFC) during the 11th International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering (CICE2023), which took place in Rio de Janeiro on 23-26 July 2023.
Inês Rosa received the award for the IIFC Best PhD Thesis with the work entitled “Fire behaviour of concrete structures reinforced with GFRP bars” (supervised by the Dr. João Firmo, Prof. João Ramôa Correia and Dr. Mário Arruda).
Lourenço Almeida Fernandes, received an honourable mention in the award for the IIFC Best PhD Thesis with the work “Fracture behaviour of pultruded GFRP profiles: application to web-crippling phenomena” (supervised by Prof. Nuno Silvestre and Prof. João Ramôa Correia).
João Ramôa Correia received the “IIFC President’s Award” in recognition of his distinguished services to the International Institute for FRP in Construction, for advancing the understanding and the application of fibre-reinforced polymers in civil infrastructure, in service of the engineering profession and society”, and he was elected Vice-President of the IIFC for the biennium 2023-25.