Correia, J.R., Ascione, L., Keller, T., Mottram, J.T., Sena-Cruz, J., Paulotto, C., Knippers, J., Pacheco, J., Sørensen, J.D., Garrido, M., Sá, M., Firmo, J.P., Tromp, L. (2025). Overview and Aspects of the European Technical Specification CEN/TS 19101: 2022, “Design of Fibre-Polymer Composite Structures”. Journal of Composites for Construction, 29(2), 04024093.
Gonilha, J., Lazzari, J.A., Correia, J.R., Silvestre, N. (2025). Compressive resistance of thin-walled pultruded GFRP profiles: The role of delamination examined through experiments and FE simulations. Composites Part B: Engineering, 288, 111929.
Martins, A.D., Teixeira, Â.P., Correia, J.R., Silvestre, N., Figueiredo e Sá, M. (2024). Reliability-based code calibration of local buckling strength design of pultruded GFRP I- and H-section columns. Engineering Structures, 318, 118687.
Azevedo, A.S., Firmo, J.P., Correia, J.R. (2024). Bond behaviour at high temperatures between concrete and CFRP or steel strengthening bars applied according to the embedded through-section (ETS) technique. Cement and Concrete Composites, 151, 105580.
Azevedo, A.S., Firmo, J.P., Correia, J.R. (2024). Three-dimensional finite element modelling of the fire response of passive and prestressed near-surface mounted (NSM)-CFRP-strengthened reinforced concrete slab strips. Composite Structures, 331, 117872.
Lazzari, J.A.D., Martins, L.L., Ribeiro, Á.S., Pinheiro, A., Correia, J.R., Silvestre, N. (2024). Global and local geometrical imperfections of pultruded GFRP profiles based on a modal approach. Construction and Building Materials, 412, 134813.
Pedroso, P.F., Correia, J.R., Silvestre, J.D., Firmo, J.P., Garrido, M. (2024). Environmental and economic LCA comparison of flexural strengthening solutions for a reinforced concrete beam, Materials, 17, 5879.
Gonilha, J., Martins, D., Correia, J.R.. Silvestre, N., Guerreiro, L. (2024). Seismic Response of Three-Dimensional Pultruded GFRP Frames. Journal of Composites for Construction, 28(4), 04024021.
Mathew, A., Gonilha, J., Nadir, Y., Ye, Y. (2024). Exterior weak-axis beam-to-column bolted connections between GFRP I-shaped pultruded profiles using stainless steel cleats. Engineering Structures, 314, 118366.
Lazzari, J.A., Gonilha, J., Correia, J.R., Silvestre, N. (2024). Experimental study of the quasi-static axial compressive resistance of pultruded GFRP composite stub columns. Construction and Building Materials, 449, 138252.
Hasan, T., Correia, J.R., Garrido, M., Soares, F., Cabral-Fonseca, S., Jorge, M., Sena-Cruz, J. (2024). Freeze-thaw durability of vacuum infused glass fibre composites with unsaturated polyester and vinyl ester matrices. Construction and Building Materials, 455, 139037.
Rosa, I.C., Castelo, A., Sousa, J.M., Garrido, M., Correia, J.R., Cabral-Fonseca, S., de Brito, J. (2024). Natural Weathering of GFRP Structures: Case Studies, Data Survey, and Proposal of a Moisture Conversion Factor for Durability Design. Journal of Composites for Construction, 28(6), 04024063.
Proença M., Garrido M., Correia J.R., Sena-Cruz J. (2024). Experimental study on the fire resistance of all-composite and hybrid web-core sandwich panels for building floors. Composite Structures, 337, 118071.
Sousa J.M., Rosa I.C., Correia J.R., Cabral-Fonseca S., Garrido M. (2024). Synergistic effects of different ageing environments and sustained flexural loading on the durability of pultruded GFRP profiles. Journal of Building Engineering, 86, 108735.
Shahid A.T., Silvestre J.D., Hofmann M., Garrido M., Correia J.R. (2024). Life cycle assessment of an innovative bio-based unsaturated polyester resin and its use in glass fibre reinforced bio-composites produced by vacuum infusion. Journal of Cleaner Production, 441, 140906.
Proença M., Santos P., Godinho L., Neves e Sousa A., Correia J.R., Garrido M., Sena-Cruz J. (2024). Acoustic behaviour of GFRP-PUR web-core composite sandwich panels. Construction and Building Materials, 438, art. no. 137195.
Souza, W.M., Correia, J.R., Firmo, J.P., Almeida, J., Rosa, I.C., Correia, A.C. (2024). Seismic behaviour of concrete columns reinforced with GFRP bars: experimental study. ACI Structural Journal, 121(4).
Trombini, M., Enea, M., Arruda, M.R.T., Pagani, A., Petrolo, M., Carrera, E. (2024). 1D higher-order theories for quasi-static progressive failure analysis of composites based on a full 3D Hashin orthotropic damage model. Composites Part B: Engineering, 270, 111120.
Costa, D., Gonilha, J.A., Silvestre, N. (2023). Calibration and validation of a 3D homogenised model to simulate the damage progression of pultruded GFRP composites. Engineering Failure Analysis, 149, 107261.
Vallée, T., Kaufmann, M., Adams, R.D., Albiez, M., Correia, J.R., Tannert, T. (2023). Are probabilistic methods a way to get rid of fudge factors? Part II: Application and examples. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 124, 103364.
Vahedi, N., Correia, J.R., Vassilopoulos, A.P., Keller, T. (2023). Effects of core air gaps and steel inserts on thermomechanical response of GFRP-balsa sandwich panels subjected to fire. Fire Safety Journal, 313, 116924.
Arruda, M.R.T., Correia, J.R., Ferreira, J.G., Branco, F.A., Reis, N.A. (2023). Structural Assessment of a Water Reservoir Masonry Vaulted Roof from the Nineteenth Century. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 37(4), 04023022.
Martins, D., Gonilha, J., Correia, J.R., Silvestre, N., Guerreiro, L., Branco, F.A. (2023). Monotonic and cyclic sway behaviour of 2-dimensional frames made of pultruded GFRP I-section profiles. Structures, 55, 2461-2477.
Duarte, A.P.C., Mazzuca, P., Lopo de Carvalho, J.M., Tiago, C., Firmo, J.P., Correia, J.R. (2023). Determination of the temperature-dependent thermophysical properties of polymeric foams using numerical inverse analysis. Construction and Building Materials, 394, 131980.
Wu, C., Ding, Y., Almeida-Fernandes, L., Gonilha, J., Silvestre, N., Correia, J.R. (2023). State-of-the-art review on the web crippling of pultruded GFRP profiles. Thin-Walled Structures, 192, 111128.
Azevedo, A.S., Firmo, J.P., Correia, J.R., Firouz, R.M., Barros, J.A.O. (2023). Fire behaviour of reinforced concrete slab strips strengthened with prestressed NSM-CFRP laminates. Engineering Structures, 297, 116982.
Arruda, M. R. T. (2023). Orthotropic damage model for composite structures using the 3D Tsai-Wu failure criterion. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures.
Arruda, M.R.T., Cantor, P., Bicelli, R. (2023). Thermal insulation of hybrid GFRP-lightweight concrete structures. CivilEng, 4(2), 584-595.
Arruda, M.R.T., Trombini, M., Pagani, A. (2023). Implicit to explicit algorithm for ABAQUS standard user-subroutine UMAT for a 3D Hashin-based orthotropic damage model. Applied Sciences, 13(2), 1155.
Shahid, A.T., Hofmann, M., Garrido, M., Correia, J.R., Rosa, I.C. (2023). Freeze-thaw durability of basalt fibre reinforced bio-based unsaturated polyester composite. Materials, 16, 5411.
Machado M., Hofmann M., Garrido M., Correia J.R., Bordado J.C., Rosa I.C. (2023). Incorporation of lignin in bio-based resins for potential application in fiber–polymer composites. Applied Sciences, 13, 8342.
Machado M., Garrido M., Firmo J.P., Azevedo A., Correia J.R., Bordado J.C., Dourado F. (2023). Bio-based pultruded CFRP laminates: Bond to concrete and structural performance of full-scale strengthened reinforced concrete beams. Materials, 16, 4974.
Hofmann M., Machado M., Shahid A., Dourado F., Garrido M., Bordado J.C., Correia J.R. (2023). Pultruded carbon fibre reinforced polymer strips produced with a novel bio-based thermoset polyester for structural strengthening. Composites Science and Technology, 234, 109936.
Rosa, I.C., Firmo, J.P., Correia, J.R., Bisby, L.A. (2023). Fire behavior of GFRP-reinforced concrete structural members: A state-of-the-art review. Journal of Composites for Construction, 27(5), 03123002-1.
Correia, J.R., Keller, T., Garrido, M., Sá, M., Firmo, J.P. Shahid, M.A., Machado, M. (2023). Mechanical properties of FRP materials at elevated temperature – Definition of a temperature conversion factor for design in service conditions. Construction and Building Materials, 367, 130298.
Vahedi, N., Correia, J.R., Vassilopoulos, A.P., Keller, T. (2022). Effects of core air gaps and steel inserts on thermal response of GFRP-balsa sandwich panels subjected to fire. Fire Safety Journal, 134, 103703.
Dacol, V., Caetano, E., Correia, J.R. (2022). Modal identification and damping performance of a full‐scale GFRP‐SFRSCC hybrid footbridge. Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 29(12), e3137.
Sutherland, L.S., Cardoso de Brito, M., Chaves Pereira, J., Arruda, M.R. (2022). Fluid-structure interaction analyses for hydro-elastic tailoring of a windsurfer fin. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 10(10).
Azevedo, A.S., Firmo, J.P., Correia, J.R., Chastre, C., Biscaia, H., Franco, N. (2022). Fire behaviour of CFRP-strengthened RC slabs using different techniques – EBR, NSM and CREatE. Composites Part B: Engineering, 230, 109471.
de Sousa, C., Barros, J.A.O., Correia, J.R. (2022). In-plane cyclic behaviour of RC frames strengthened with composite sandwich panels. Engineering Structures, 251, 113529.
Almeida-Fernandes, L., Silvestre, N., Correia, J.R. (2022) Fracture toughness-based models for web-crippling of pultruded GFRP profiles. Composites Part B: Engineering, 230, 109541.
Mazzuca, P., Firmo, J.P., Correia, J.R., Garrido, M. (2022) Mechanical behaviour in shear and compression of polyurethane foam at elevated temperature. Journal of Sandwich Structures & Materials, 24 (2), 1429-1448.
Vahedi, N., Tiago, C., Vassilopoulos, A.P., Correia, J.R., Keller, T. (2022). Thermophysical properties of balsa wood used as core of sandwich composite bridge decks exposed to external fire. Construction and Building Materials, 329, 127164.
Mazzuca, P., Firmo, J.P., Correia, J.R., Castilho, E. Influence of elevated temperatures on the mechanical properties of glass fibre reinforced polymer laminates produced by vacuum infusion. Construction and Building Materials, 345, 128340.
Gonilha, J.A., Martins, D. (2022). Numerical simulation of the damage progression of pultruded GFRP beam-to-column connections under monotonic and cyclic loads. Composite Structures, 116180.
Vallée, T., Kaufmann, M., Adams, R.D., Albiez, M., Correia, J.R., Tannert, T. (2022). Are probabilistic methods a way to get rid of fudge factors? Part I: Background and theory. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 119, 103255.
Hofmann, M., Shahid, A.T., Machado, M., Garrido, M., Bordado, J.C., Correia, J.R. (2022). GFRP biocomposites produced with a novel high-performance bio-based unsaturated polyester resin. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 161, 107098.
Hofmann, M., Garrido, M., Machado, M., Correia, J.R., Bordado, J.C. (2022). Development of high-performance partially biobased thermoset polyester using renewable building blocks from isosorbide, 1,3-propanediol, and fumaric acid. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 139(45), e53029.
Rosa, I.C., Firmo, J.P., Correia, J.R. (2022). Fire behaviour of GFRP-reinforced concrete slab strips – effect of straight and 90º bent tension lap splices. Engineering Structures. Volume 270. 114904.
Duarte, A.P.C., Rosa, I.C., Arruda, M.R.T., Firmo, J.P., Correia, J.R. (2022). Three-Dimensional Finite-Element Modeling of the Thermomechanical Response of GFRP-Reinforced Concrete Slab Strips Subjected to Fire. Journal of Composites for Construction, 26(5), 04022044.
Cantor, P., Arruda, M.R.T., Firmo, J.P., Branco, F. (2022). Proposal of a Standard Wildfire Curves for the Design Protection of Dwellings against Wildland Fire. ASCE’s Journal of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste, 26(3), 04022021.
Gonilha, J.A., Correia, J.R., Santos M.S., Ferreira J.G., Branco, F.A., Gomes, R.C. (2022). GFRP Composite Culverts for Hydraulic and Agricultural Underpasses: Structural Behavior, Design, and Application. Journal of Composites for Construction, 26(3), 04022026.
Rosa, I.C., Arruda, M.R.T., Firmo, J.P., Correia, J.R. (2022). Bond Behavior of Straight and Bent Glass Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Bars at Elevated Temperatures: Pull-Out Tests and Numerical Simulations. Journal of Composites for Construction, 26(3), 04022028.
Hofmann, M.A., Shahid, A.T., Garrido, M., Ferreira, M.J., Correia, J.R., Bordado, J.C. (2022). Biobased thermosetting polyester resin for high-performance applications. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 10, 3442-3454.
Garrido, M., Sousa, J.M., Correia, J.R., Cabral-Fonseca, S. (2022). Prediction of long-term performance and definition of a moisture conversion factor for the durability design of pultruded GFRP profiles under hygrothermal exposure. Construction and Building Materials, 326, 126856.
Rosa, I.C, Firmo, J.P., Correia, J.R. (2022). Experimental study of the tensile behaviour of GFRP reinforcing bars at elevated temperatures. Construction and Building Materials, 324, 126676.
Martins, D., Gonilha, J., Correia, J.R., Silvestre, N. (2021). Monotonic and cyclic behaviour of a stainless steel cuff system for beam-to-column connections between pultruded I-section GFRP profiles. Engineering Structures, 249, 113294.
Dacol, V., Caetano, E., Correia, J.R. (2021). Comparative Study of Damping on Pultruded GFRP and Steel Beams. Polymers, 13, 2201.
de Sousa, C., Barros, J.A.O., Correia, J.R., Valente, T.D.S. (2021). Development of sandwich panels for multi-functional strengthening of RC buildings: Characterization of constituent materials and shear interaction of panel assemblies. Construction and Building Materials, 267, 120849.
Almeida-Fernandes, L., Silvestre, N., Correia, J.R. (2021). Direct Strength Method for Web-Crippling Design of Pultruded GFRP Beams. Journal of Composites for Construction, 25(4), 04021031.
Garrido, M., Melro, P., Correia, J.R. (2021). Effects of elevated temperature on the shear response of end-grain balsa used in composite sandwich panels. Journal of Sandwich Structures & Materials, 23(6), 2106-2126.
Santos, P., Sousa, L., Godinho, L., Correia, J.R., Dias, A. (2021). Acoustic and thermal behviour of cross-insulated timber panels. Journal of Building Engineering, 44, 103309.
Rosa, I.R., Firmo, J.P., Correia, J.R., Mazzuca, P. (2021). Influence of elevated temperatures on the bond behaviour of ribbed GFRP bars in concrete. Cement and Concrete Composites, 122, 104119.
Gonilha, J.A., Silvestre, N. Correia, J.R., Tita, V., Martins, D. (2021). Novel progressive failure model for quasi-orthotropic pultruded FRP structures: Formulation and calibration of parameters (Part I). Composite Structures, 255, 112974.
Gonilha, J.A., Silvestre, N. Correia, J.R., Tita, V., Almeida-Fernande, L. (2021). Novel progressive failure model for quasi-orthotropic pultruded FRP structures: Application to compact tension and web-crippling case studies (Part II). Composite Structures, 255, 112973.
Martins, D., Gonilha, J., Correia, J.R., Silvestre, N. (2021). Exterior beam-to-column bolted connections between GFRP I-shaped pultruded profiles using stainless steel cleats, Part 2: Prediction of initial stiffness and strength. Thin-Walled Structures, 164, 107762.
Martins, D., Gonilha, J., Correia, J.R., Silvestre, N. (2021).Monotonic and cyclic behaviour of cuff beam-to-column connection system for tubular pultruded GFRP profiles. Engineering Structures, 247, 113165.
Proença, M., Garrido, M., Correia, J.R., Gomes, M.G. (2021). Fire resistance behaviour of GFRP-polyurethane composite sandwich panels for building floors. Composites Part B, 224, 109171.
Sousa, J.M., Garrido, M., Correia, J.R., Cabral-Fonseca, S. (2021). Hygrothermal ageing of pultruded GFRP profiles: Comparative study of unsaturated polyester and vinyl ester resin matrices. Composites Part A, 140, 106193.
Arruda, M.R.T., Almeida-Fernandes, L., Castro, L., Correia, J.R. (2021). Tsai–Wu based orthotropic damage model. Composites Part C: Open Access, 4, 100122.
Mazzuca, P., Firmo, J.P., Correia, J.R., Castilho, E. Mechanical behaviour in shear and compression at elevated temperature of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) foam. Journal of Building Engineering, 42, 102526.
Almeida-Fernandes, L., Correia, J.R., Silvestre, N. Effect of fibre layup and bearing length on the web-crippling behaviour of pultruded GFRP profiles. Composite Structures, 267, art. no. 113884.
Martins, D., Gonilha, J., Correia, J.R., Silvestre, N. Exterior beam-to-column bolted connections between GFRP I-shaped pultruded profiles using stainless steel cleats. Part 1: Experimental study. Thin-Walled Structures, 163, art. no. 107719.
Santos, P., Correia, J.R., Godinho, L., Dias, A.M.P.G., Dias, A. Life cycle analysis of cross-insulated timber panels. (2021) Structures, 31, pp. 1311-1324.
Santos, P., Correia, J.R., Godinho, L., Dias, A.M.P.G., Craveiro, H. Experimental and numerical assessment of a cross-insulated timber panel solution. Engineering Structures, 235, art. no. 112061.
Rocha, J., Pereira, E., Sena-Cruz, J., Valarinho, L., Correia, J.R. Numerical simulation of composites GFRP-reinforced glass structural elements under monotonic load. Engineering Structures, 234, art. no. 111968.
Sá, M.F., Pacheco, J., Correia, J.R., Silvestre, N., Sørensen, J.D. Structural safety of pultruded FRP profiles for global buckling. Part 1: Approach to material uncertainty, resistance models, and model uncertainties. Composite Structures, 257, art. no. 113304.
Pacheco, J., Sá, M.F., Correia, J.R., Silvestre, N., Sørensen, J.D. Structural safety of pultruded FRP profiles for global buckling. Part 2: Reliability-based evaluation of safety formats and partial factor calibration. Composite Structures, 257, art. no. 113147.
Garrido, M., António, D., Lopes, J.G., Correia, J.R. Reparability of aged PVC waterproofing membranes: Effect of joining method. Journal of Building Engineering, 33, art. no. 101569.
Garrido, M., Teixeira, R., Correia, J.R., Sutherland, L.S. Quasi-static indentation and impact in glass-fibre reinforced polymer sandwich panels for civil and ocean engineering applications. Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials, 23 (1), pp. 194-221.
Fame, C.M., Correia, J.R., Ghafoori, E., Wu, C. (2021). Damage tolerance of adhesively bonded pultruded GFRP double-strap joints. Composite Structures, 263, 113625.
Lopes, B., Arruda, M.R.T., Almeida-Fernandes, L., Castro, L., Silvestre, N., Correia, J.R. (2020). Assessment of mesh dependency in the numerical simulation of compact tension tests for orthotropic materials. Composites Part C: Open Access, 1, 100006.
Dacol, V., Caetano, E., Correia, J.R. A combined exponential-power-law method for interconversion between viscoelastic functions of polymers and polymer-based materials. Polymers, 12 (12), art. no. 3001, pp. 1-17.
Proença, M., Neves e Sousa, A., Garrido, M., Correia, J.R. Acoustic performance of composite sandwich panels for building floors: Experimental tests and numerical-analytical simulation. Journal of Building Engineering, 32, art. no. 101751.
Almeida-Fernandes, L., Silvestre, N., Correia, J.R., Arruda, M. Compressive transverse fracture behaviour of pultruded GFRP materials: Experimental study and numerical calibration. Composite Structures, 247, art. no. 112453.
Sá, M.F., Correia, J.R., Silvestre, N., Gomes, A.M. Transverse bending and in-plane shear behaviours of multicellular pultruded GFRP deck panels with snap-fit connections. Thin-Walled Structures, 154, art. no. 106854.
Castelo, A., Correia, J.R., Cabral-Fonseca, S., de Brito, J. Inspection, diagnosis and rehabilitation system for all-fibre-reinforced polymer constructions. Construction and Building Materials, 253, art. no. 119160.
Almeida-Fernandes, L., Correia, J.R., Silvestre, N. Transverse Fracture Behavior of Pultruded GFRP Materials in Tension: Effect of Fiber Layup. Journal of Composites for Construction, 24 (4), art. no. 04020019.
Castelo, A., Correia, J.R., Cabral-Fonseca, S., De Brito, J. In-Service Performance of Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Constructions Used in Water and Sewage Treatment Plants. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 34 (4), art. no. 04020059.
Azevedo, A.S., Firmo, J.P., Correia, J.R., Tiago, C. Influence of elevated temperatures on the bond behaviour between concrete and NSM-CFRP strips. Cement and Concrete Composites, 111, art. no. 103603.
Demertzi, M., Silvestre, J., Garrido, M., Correia, J.R., Durão, V., Proença, M. Life cycle assessment of alternative building floor rehabilitation systems. Structures, 26, pp. 237-246.
Rosa, I.C., Santos, P., Firmo, J.P., Correia, J.R. Fire behaviour of concrete slab strips reinforced with sand-coated GFRP bars. Composite Structures, 244, art. no. 112270.
Almeida-Fernandes, L., Silvestre, N., Correia, J.R., Arruda, M.R.T. Fracture toughness-based models for damage simulation of pultruded GFRP materials. Composites Part B: Engineering, 186, art. no. 107818.
Pereira, M.C., Soares, A., Flores-Colen, I., Correia, J.R. Influence of exposure to elevated temperatures on the physical and mechanical properties of cementitious thermal mortars. Applied Sciences, 10 (6), art. no. 2200.
Almeida-Fernandes, L., Silvestre, N., Correia, J.R. Characterization of transverse fracture properties of pultruded GFRP material in tension. Composites Part B: Engineering, 175, art. no. 107095.
Firmo, J.P., Roquette, M.G., Correia, J.R., Azevedo, A.S. Influence of elevated temperatures on epoxy adhesive used in CFRP strengthening systems for civil engineering applications. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 93, art. no. 102333.
Martins, D., Proença, M., Almeida Gonilha, J., Figueiredo Sá, M., Ramôa Correia, J., Silvestre, N. Experimental and numerical analysis of GFRP frame structures. Part 1: Cyclic behaviour at the connection level. Composite Structures, 220, pp. 304-317.
Martins, D., Figueiredo Sá, M., Almeida Gonilha, J., Ramôa Correia, J., Silvestre, N., Gomes Ferreira, J. Experimental and numerical analysis of GFRP frame structures. Part 2: Monotonic and cyclic sway behaviour of plane frames. Composite Structures, 220, pp. 194-208.
Santos, P., Correia, J.R., Godinho, L., Dias, A.M.P.G., Dias, A. Bonding quality assessment of cross-layered Maritime pine elements glued with one-component polyurethane adhesive. Construction and Building Materials, 211, pp. 571-582.
Rosa, I.C., Firmo, J.P., Correia, J.R., Barros, J.A.O. Bond behaviour of sand coated GFRP bars to concrete at elevated temperature – Definition of bond vs. slip relations. Composites Part B: Engineering, 160, pp. 329-340.
Garrido, M., Madeira, J.F.A., Proença, M., Correia, J.R. Multi-objective optimization of pultruded composite sandwich panels for building floor rehabilitation. Construction and Building Materials, 198, pp. 465-478.
Morgado, T., Silvestre, N., Correia, J.R. Simulation of fire resistance behaviour of pultruded GFRP columns. Thin-Walled Structures, 135, pp. 521-536.
Sousa, J.M., Correia, J.R., Gonilha, J., Cabral-Fonseca, S., Firmo, J.P., Keller, T. Durability of adhesively bonded joints between pultruded GFRP adherends under hygrothermal and natural ageing. Composites Part B: Engineering, 158, pp. 475-488.
Sousa, J.M., Correia, J.R., Firmo, J.P., Cabral-Fonseca, S., Gonilha, J. Effects of thermal cycles on adhesively bonded joints between pultruded GFRP adherends. Composite Structures, 202, pp. 518-529.
Sousa, J.M., Correia, J.R., Cabral-Fonseca, S. Some permanent effects of hygrothermal and outdoor ageing on a structural polyurethane adhesive used in civil engineering applications. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 84, pp. 406-419.
Arruda, M.R.T., Castro, L.M.S., Ferreira, A.J.M., Martins, D., Correia, J.R. Physically non-linear analysis of beam models using Carrera Unified Formulation. Composite Structures, 195, pp. 60-73.
Rosa, I.C., Morgado, T., Correia, J.R., Firmo, J.P., Silvestre, N. Shear Behavior of GFRP Composite Materials at Elevated Temperature. Journal of Composites for Construction, 22 (3), art. no. 04018010.
Cabral-Fonseca, S., Correia, J.R., Custódio, J., Silva, H.M., Machado, A.M., Sousa, J. Durability of FRP – concrete bonded joints in structural rehabilitation: A review. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 83, pp. 153-167.
Garrido, M., Correia, J.R. Elastic and viscoelastic behaviour of sandwich panels with glass-fibre reinforced polymer faces and polyethylene terephthalate foam core. Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials, 20 (4), pp. 399-424.
Morgado, T., Correia, J.R., Silvestre, N., Branco, F.A. Experimental study on the fire resistance of GFRP pultruded tubular beams. Composites Part B: Engineering, 139, pp. 106-116.
Morgado, T., Silvestre, N., Correia, J.R. Simulation of fire resistance behaviour of pultruded GFRP beams – Part II: Stress analysis and failure criteria. Composite Structures, 188, pp. 519-530.
Morgado, T., Silvestre, N., Correia, J.R., Branco, F.A., Keller, T. Numerical modelling of the thermal response of pultruded GFRP tubular profiles subjected to fire. Composites Part B: Engineering, 137, pp. 202-216.
Arruda, M.R.T., Castro, L.M.S., Ferreira, A.J.M., Garrido, M., Gonilha, J., Correia, J.R. Analysis of composite layered beams using Carrera unified formulation with Legendre approximation. Composites Part B: Engineering, 137, pp. 39-50.
Morgado, T., Silvestre, N., Correia, J.R. Simulation of fire resistance behaviour of pultruded GFRP beams – Part I: Models description and kinematic issues. Composite Structures, 187, pp. 269-280.
Sousa, J.M., Correia, J.R., Cabral-Fonseca, S. Durability of an epoxy adhesive used in civil structural applications. Construction and Building Materials, 161, pp. 618-633.
Sá, M.F., Gomes, A.M., Correia, J.R., Silvestre, N. Flexural Behavior of Pultruded GFRP Deck Panels with Snap-Fit Connections. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 18 (2), art. no. 1850019.
Garrido, M., António, D., Lopes, J.G., Correia, J.R. Performance of different joining techniques used in the repair of bituminous waterproofing membranes. Construction and Building Materials, 158, pp. 346-358.
Firmo, J.P., Arruda, M.R.T., Correia, J.R., Rosa, I.C. Three-dimensional finite element modelling of the fire behaviour of insulated RC beams strengthened with EBR and NSM CFRP strips. Composite Structures, 183 (1), pp. 124-136.
Arruda, M.R.T., Garrido, M., Castro, L.M.S., Ferreira, A.J.M., Correia, J.R. Numerical modelling of the creep behaviour of GFRP sandwich panels using the Carrera Unified Formulation and Composite Creep Modelling. Composite Structures, 183 (1), pp. 103-113.
Sá, M., Correia, J., Gomes, A., Silvestre, N. The glass fibre-reinforced polymer-steel hybrid footbridge of Saint Mateus Park, Portugal: From conceptual design to in situ assessment. Structural Engineering International, 27 (4), pp. 575-580.
Valarinho, L., Correia, J.R., Garrido, M., Sá, M., Branco, F.A. Flexural Creep Behavior of Full-Scale Laminated Glass Panels. Journal of Structural Engineering, 143 (10), art. no. 04017139.
Sá, M.F., Silvestre, N., Correia, J.R., Guerreiro, L., Gomes, A.M. Dynamic behaviour of a GFRP-steel hybrid pedestrian bridge in serviceability conditions. Part 2: Numerical and analytical study. Thin-Walled Structures, 118, pp. 113-123.
Sá, M.F., Guerreiro, L., Gomes, A.M., Correia, J.R., Silvestre, N. Dynamic behaviour of a GFRP-steel hybrid pedestrian bridge in serviceability conditions. Part 1: Experimental study. Thin-Walled Structures, 117, pp. 332-342.
Sutherland, L.S., Sá, M.F., Correia, J.R., Guedes Soares, C., Gomes, A., Silvestre, N. Impact response of pedestrian bridge multicellular pultruded GFRP deck panels. Composite Structures, 171, pp. 473-485.
Martins, D., Proença, M., Correia, J.R., Gonilha, J., Arruda, M., Silvestre, N. Development of a novel beam-to-column connection system for pultruded GFRP tubular profiles. Composite Structures, 171, pp. 263-276.
Nunes, F., Silvestre, N., Correia, J.R. Progressive Damage Analysis of Web Crippling of GFRP Pultruded I-Sections. Journal of Composites for Construction, 21 (3), art. no. 04016104.
Garrido, M., Correia, J.R., Keller, T., Cabral-Fonseca, S. Creep of Sandwich Panels with Longitudinal Reinforcement Ribs for Civil Engineering Applications: Experiments and Composite Creep Modeling. Journal of Composites for Construction, 21 (1), art. no. 04016074.
Valarinho, L., Sena-Cruz, J., Correia, J.R., Branco, F.A. Numerical simulation of the flexural behaviour of composite glass-GFRP beams using smeared crack models. Composites Part B: Engineering, 110, pp. 336-350.
Machado-e-Costa, M., Valarinho, L., Silvestre, N., Correia, J.R. Modeling of the structural behavior of multilayer laminated glass beams: Flexural and torsional stiffness and lateral-torsional buckling. Engineering Structures, 128, pp. 265-282.
Grammatikos, S.A., Jones, R.G., Evernden, M., Correia, J.R. Thermal cycling effects on the durability of a pultruded GFRP material for off-shore civil engineering structures. Composite Structures, 153, pp. 297-310.
Nunes, F., Correia, J.R., Silvestre, N. Structural behavior of hybrid FRP pultruded beams: Experimental, numerical and analytical studies. Thin-Walled Structures, 106, pp. 201-217.
Barrelas, J., de Brito, J., Correia, J.R. Analysis of the degradation condition of secondary schools. case study: pavilions and prefabricated buildings. Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 22 (6), pp. 768-779.
Garrido, M., Correia, J.R., Keller, T. Effect of service temperature on the shear creep response of rigid polyurethane foam used in composite sandwich floor panels. Construction and Building Materials, 118, pp. 235-244.
Sutherland, L.S., Sá, M.F., Correia, J.R., Guedes Soares, C., Gomes, A., Silvestre, N. Quasi-static indentation response of pedestrian bridge multicellular pultruded GFRP deck panels. Construction and Building Materials, 118, pp. 307-318.
Sá, M.F., Gomes, A.M., Correia, J.R., Silvestre, N. Flexural creep response of pultruded GFRP deck panels: Proposal for obtaining full-section viscoelastic moduli and creep coefficients. Composites Part B: Engineering, 98, pp. 213-224.
Valarinho, L., Correia, J.R., Machado-e-Costa, M., Branco, F.A., Silvestre, N. Lateral-torsional buckling behaviour of long-span laminated glass beams: Analytical, experimental and numerical study. Materials and Design, 102, pp. 264-275.
Nunes, F., Silvestre, N., Correia, J.R. Structural behaviour of hybrid FRP pultruded columns. Part 2: Numerical study. Composite Structures, 139, pp. 304-319.
Nunes, F., Correia, J.R., Silvestre, N. Structural behaviour of hybrid FRP pultruded columns. Part 1: Experimental study. Composite Structures, 139, pp. 291-303.
Garrido, M., Correia, J.R., Keller, T. Effect of service temperature on the flexural creep of vacuum infused GFRP laminates used in sandwich floor panels. Composites Part B: Engineering, 90, pp. 160-171.
Martins, D.J., Correia, J.R., De Brito, J. The effect of high temperature on the residual mechanical performance of concrete made with recycled ceramic coarse aggregates. Fire and Materials, 40 (2), pp. 289-304.
Arruda, M.R.T., Firmo, J.P., Correia, J.R., Tiago, C. Numerical modelling of the bond between concrete and CFRP laminates at elevated temperatures. Engineering Structures, 110, pp. 233-243.
Sousa, J.M., Correia, J.R., Cabral-Fonseca, S. Durability of Glass Fibre Reinforced Polymer Pultruded Profiles: Comparison Between QUV Accelerated Exposure and Natural Weathering in a Mediterranean Climate. Experimental Techniques, 40 (1), pp. 207-219.
Garrido, M., Correia, J.R., Keller, T., Branco, F.A. Connection systems between composite sandwich floor panels and load-bearing walls for building rehabilitation. Engineering Structures, 106, pp. 209-221.
Vieira, T., Alves, A., de Brito, J., Correia, J.R., Silva, R.V. Durability-related performance of concrete containing fine recycled aggregates from crushed bricks and sanitary ware. Materials and Design, 90, pp. 767-776.
Garrido, M., Correia, J.R., Keller, T., Branco, F.A. Adhesively bonded connections between composite sandwich floor panels for building rehabilitation. Composite Structures, 134, pp. 255-268.
Marques, B.A., De Brito, J., Correia, J.R. Constructive Characteristics and Degradation Condition of Liceu Secondary Schools in Portugal. International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 9 (7), pp. 896-911.
Reis, N., de Brito, J., Correia, J.R., Arruda, M.R.T. Punching behaviour of concrete slabs incorporating coarse recycled concrete aggregates. Engineering Structures, 100, pp. 238-248.
Neto, P., Alfaiate, J., Valarinho, L., Correia, J.R., Branco, F.A., Vinagre, J. Glass beams reinforced with GFRP laminates: Experimental tests and numerical modelling using a discrete strong discontinuity approach. Engineering Structures, 99, pp. 253-263.
Correia, J.R., Bai, Y., Keller, T. A review of the fire behaviour of pultruded GFRP structural profiles for civil engineering applications. Composite Structures, 127, pp. 267-287.
Freire, L.M.R., De Brito, J., Correia, J.R. Inspection Survey of Support Bearings in Road Bridges. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 29 (4), art. no. 04014098.
Firmo, J.P., Arruda, M.R.T., Correia, J.R. Numerical simulation of the fire behaviour of thermally insulated reinforced concrete beams strengthened with EBR-CFRP strips. Composite Structures, 126, pp. 360-370.
Firmo, J.P., Correia, J.R., Pitta, D., Tiago, C., Arruda, M.R.T. Experimental characterization of the bond between externally bonded reinforcement (EBR) CFRP strips and concrete at elevated temperatures. Cement and Concrete Composites, 60, pp. 44-54.
Firmo, J.P., Correia, J.R., Bisby, L.A. Fire behaviour of FRP-strengthened reinforced concrete structural elements: A state-of-the-art review. Composites Part B: Engineering, 80, pp. 198-216.
Baltazar, L., Santana, J., Lopes, B., Correia, J.R., Rodrigues, M.P. Superficial protection of concrete with epoxy resin impregnations: influence of the substrate roughness and moisture. Materials and Structures, 48 (6), pp. 1931-1946.
Firmo, J.P., Correia, J.R. Fire behaviour of thermally insulated RC beams strengthened with EBR-CFRP strips: Experimental study. Composite Structures, 122, pp. 144-154.
Garrido, M., Correia, J.R., Keller, T. Effects of elevated temperature on the shear response of PET and PUR foams used in composite sandwich panels. Construction and Building Materials, 76, pp. 150-157.
Fernandes, L.A., Nunes, F., Silvestre, N., Correia, J.R., Gonilha, J. Web-crippling of GFRP pultruded profiles. Part 2: Numerical analysis and design. Composite Structures, 120, pp. 578-590.
Fernandes, L.A., Gonilha, J., Correia, J.R., Silvestre, N., Nunes, F. Web-crippling of GFRP pultruded profiles. Part 1: Experimental study. Composite Structures, 120, pp. 565-577.
Firmo, J.P., Correia, J.R. Fire behaviour of thermally insulated RC beams strengthened with NSM-CFRP strips: Experimental study. Composites Part B: Engineering, 76, pp. 112-121.
Pereira, C., De Brito, J., Correia, J.R. Building characterization and degradation condition of secondary industrial schools. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 29 (5), art. no. 04014128.
Firmo, J.P., Arruda, M.R.T., Correia, J.R., Tiago, C. Flexural behaviour of partially bonded carbon fibre reinforced polymers strengthened concrete beams: Application to fire protection systems design. Materials and Design, 65, pp. 1064-1074.
Firmo, J.P., Correia, J.R., Pitta, D., Tiago, C., Arruda, M.R.T. Bond behavior between near-surface-mounted CFRP strips and concrete at high temperatures. Journal of Composites for Construction, 19 (4), art. no. 04014071.
Morgado, T., Correia, J.R., Moreira, A., Branco, F.A., Tiago, C. Experimental study on the fire resistance of GFRP pultruded tubular columns. Composites Part B: Engineering, 69, pp. 201-211.
Baltazar, L., Santana, J., Lopes, B., Paula Rodrigues, M., Correia, J.R. Surface skin protection of concrete with silicate-based impregnations: Influence of the substrate roughness and moisture. Construction and Building Materials, 70, pp. 191-200.
Alves, A.V., Vieira, T.F., De Brito, J., Correia, J.R. Mechanical properties of structural concrete with fine recycled ceramic aggregates. Construction and Building Materials, 64, pp. 103-113.
Correia, J.R., Arruda, M.R.T., Branco, F.A. Structural assessment of reinforced-concrete arch underpasses subjected to vehicular overloads. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 28 (2), pp. 321-329.
Duarte, P., Correia, J.R., Ferreira, J.G., Nunes, F., Arruda, M.R.T. Experimental and numerical study on the effect of repairing reinforced concrete cracked beams strengthened with carbon fibre reinforced polymer laminates. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 41 (3), pp. 222-231.
Gonilha, J.A., Correia, J.R., Branco, F.A. Structural behaviour of a GFRP-concrete hybrid footbridge prototype: Experimental tests and numerical and analytical simulations. Engineering Structures, 60, pp. 11-22.
Correia, J.R., Lima, J.S., De Brito, J. Post-fire mechanical performance of concrete made with selected plastic waste aggregates. Cement and Concrete Composites, 53, pp. 187-199.
Firmo, J.P., Arruda, M.R.T., Correia, J.R. Contribution to the understanding of the mechanical behaviour of CFRP-strengthened RC beams subjected to fire: Experimental and numerical assessment. Composites Part B: Engineering, 66, pp. 15-24.
Freire, L.M.R., De Brito, J., Correia, J.R. Management system for road bridge structural bearings. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 10 (8), pp. 1068-1086.
Sousa, J.M., Correia, J.R., Cabral-Fonseca, S., Diogo, A.C. Effects of thermal cycles on the mechanical response of pultruded GFRP profiles used in civil engineering applications. Composite Structures, 116 (1), pp. 720-731.
Garrido, M., Correia, J.R., Branco, F.A., Keller, T. Creep behaviour of sandwich panels with rigid polyurethane foam core and glass-fibre reinforced polymer faces: Experimental tests and analytical modelling. Journal of Composite Materials, 48 (18), pp. 2237-2249.
Gonilha, J.A., Barros, J., Correia, J.R., Sena-Cruz, J., Branco, F.A., Ramos, L.F., Gonçalves, D., Alvim, M.R., Santos, T. Static, dynamic and creep behaviour of a full-scale GFRP-SFRSCC hybrid footbridge. Composite Structures, 118 (1), pp. 496-509.
Gonilha, J.A., Correia, J.R., Branco, F.A., Caetano, E., Cunha, T. Modal identification of a GFRP-concrete hybrid footbridge prototype: Experimental tests and analytical and numerical simulations. Composite Structures, 106, pp. 724-733.
Nunes, F., Correia, M., Correia, J.R., Silvestre, N., Moreira, A. Experimental and numerical study on the structural behavior of eccentrically loaded GFRP columns. Thin-Walled Structures, 72, pp. 175-187.
Correia, M.M., Nunes, F., Correia, J.R., Silvestre, N. Buckling behavior and failure of hybrid fiber-reinforced polymer pultruded short columns. Journal of Composites for Construction, 17 (4), pp. 463-475.
Gonilha, J.A., Correia, J.R., Branco, F.A. Creep response of GFRP-concrete hybrid structures: Application to a footbridge prototype. Composites Part B: Engineering, 53, pp. 193-206.
López, C., Firmo, J.P., Correia, J.R., Tiago, C. Fire protection systems for reinforced concrete slabs strengthened with CFRP laminates. Construction and Building Materials, 47, pp. 324-333.
Granadeiro, V., Pina, L., Duarte, J.P., Correia, J.R., Leal, V.M.S. A general indirect representation for optimization of generative design systems by genetic algorithms: Application to a shape grammar-based design system. Automation in Construction, 35, pp. 374-382.
Correia, J.R., Gomes, M.M., Pires, J.M., Branco, F.A. Mechanical behaviour of pultruded glass fibre reinforced polymer composites at elevated temperature: Experiments and model assessment. Composite Structures, 98, pp. 303-313.
Granadeiro, V., Correia, J.R., Leal, V.M.S., Duarte, J.P. Envelope-related energy demand: A design indicator of energy performance for residential buildings in early design stages. Energy and Buildings, 61, pp. 215-223.
Marques, A.M., Correia, J.R., De Brito, J. Post-fire residual mechanical properties of concrete made with recycled rubber aggregate. Fire Safety Journal, 58, pp. 49-57.
Santos, P., Laranja, G., França, P.M., Correia, J.R. Ductility and moment redistribution capacity of multi-span T-section concrete beams reinforced with GFRP bars. Construction and Building Materials, 49, pp. 949-961.
Valarinho, L., Correia, J.R., Branco, F.A. Experimental study on the flexural behaviour of multi-span transparent glass-GFRP composite beams. Construction and Building Materials, 49, pp. 1041-1053.
Branco, F.A.B., Arruda, M.R.T., Correia, J.R. Experimental and numerical investigations on the structural response of precast Concrete underpasses subjected to live loads. Baltic Journal of Road and Bridge Engineering, 8 (1), pp. 48-57.
Gonilha, J.A., Correia, J.R., Branco, F.A. Dynamic response under pedestrian load of a GFRP-SFRSCC hybrid footbridge prototype: Experimental tests and numerical simulation. Composite Structures, 95, pp. 453-463.
Granadeiro, V., Duarte, J.P., Correia, J.R., Leal, V.M.S. Building envelope shape design in early stages of the design process: Integrating architectural design systems and energy simulation. Automation in Construction, 32, pp. 196-209.
Correia, J.R., Garrido, M., Gonilha, J.A., Branco, F.A., Reis, L.G. GFRP sandwich panels with PU foam and PP honeycomb cores for civil engineering structural applications: Effects of introducing strengthening ribs. International Journal of Structural Integrity, 3 (2), pp. 127-147.
Firmo, J.P., Correia, J.R., França, P. Fire behaviour of reinforced concrete beams strengthened with CFRP laminates: Protection systems with insulation of the anchorage zones. Composites Part B: Engineering, 43 (3), pp. 1545-1556.
Cabral-Fonseca, S., Correia, J.R., Rodrigues, M.P., Branco, F.A. Artificial accelerated ageing of GFRP pultruded profiles made of polyester and vinylester resins: Characterisation of physical-chemical and mechanical damage. Strain, 48 (2), pp. 162-173.
Correia, J.R., Marques, A.M., Pereira, C.M.C., De Brito, J. Fire reaction properties of concrete made with recycled rubber aggregate. Fire and Materials, 36 (2), pp. 139-152.
Matos, B., Correia, J.R., Castro, L.M.S., França, P. Structural response of hyperstatic concrete beams reinforced with GFRP bars: Effect of increasing concrete confinement. Composite Structures, 94 (3), pp. 1200-1210.
Correia, J.R., Branco, F.A., Silva, N.M.F., Camotim, D., Silvestre, N. First-order, buckling and post-buckling behaviour of GFRP pultruded beams. Part 1: Experimental study. Computers and Structures, 89 (21-22), pp. 2052-2064.
Silva, N.M.F., Camotim, D., Silvestre, N., Correia, J.R., Branco, F.A. First-order, buckling and post-buckling behaviour of GFRP pultruded beams. Part 2: Numerical simulation. Computers and Structures, 89 (21-22), pp. 2065-2078.
Correia, J.R., Almeida, N.M., Figueira, J.R. Recycling of FRP composites: Reusing fine GFRP waste in concrete mixtures. Journal of Cleaner Production, 19 (15), pp. 1745-1753.
Lopes, J.G., Correia, J.R., Machado, M.X.B. Dimensional stability of waterproofing bituminous sheets used in low slope roofs. Construction and Building Materials, 25 (8), pp. 3229-3235.
Vieira, J.P.B., Correia, J.R., De Brito, J. Post-fire residual mechanical properties of concrete made with recycled concrete coarse aggregates. Cement and Concrete Research, 41 (5), pp. 533-541.
Correia, J.R., Valarinho, L., Branco, F.A. Post-cracking strength and ductility of glass-GFRP composite beams. Composite Structures, 93 (9), pp. 2299-2309.
Marques, J.A., Lopes, J.G., Correia, J.R. Durability of the adhesion between bituminous coatings and self-protection mineral granules of waterproofing membranes. Construction and Building Materials, 25 (1), pp. 138-144.
Sá, M.F., Gomes, A.M., Correia, J.R., Silvestre, N. Creep behavior of pultruded GFRP elements – Part 1: Literature review and experimental study. Composite Structures, 93 (10), pp. 2450-2459.
Sá, M.F., Gomes, A.M., Correia, J.R., Silvestre, N. Creep behavior of pultruded GFRP elements – Part 2: Analytical study. Composite Structures, 93 (9), pp. 2409-2418.
Bai, Y., Keller, T., Correia, J.R., Branco, F.A., Ferreira, J.G. Fire protection systems for building floors made of pultruded GFRP profiles – Part 2: Modeling of thermomechanical responses. Composites Part B: Engineering, 41 (8), pp. 630-636.
Correia, J.R., Branco, F.A., Ferreira, J.G., Bai, Y., Keller, T. Fire protection systems for building floors made of pultruded GFRP profiles: Part 1: Experimental investigations. Composites Part B: Engineering, 41 (8), pp. 617-629.
Correia, J.R., Cabral-Fonseca, S., Carreiro, A., Costa, R., Rodrigues, M.P., Eusébio, I., Branco, F. Effects of hygrothermal ageing on the mechanical properties of glass-fibre-reinforced polymer pultruded profiles. Structural Engineering International: Journal of the International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE), 20 (4), pp. 370-378.
Vallée, T., Correia, J.R., Keller, T. Optimum thickness of joints made of GFPR pultruded adherends and polyurethane adhesive. Composite Structures, 92 (9), pp. 2102-2108.
Correia, J.R., Branco, F.A., Ferreira, J.G. The effect of different passive fire protection systems on the fire reaction properties of GFRP pultruded profiles for civil construction. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 41 (3), pp. 441-452.
Silva, R.R., Lopes, J.G., Correia, J.R. The effect of wind suction on flat roofs: An experimental and analytical study of mechanically fastened waterproofing systems. Construction and Building Materials, 24 (1), pp. 105-112.
Correia, J.R., Branco, F., Gonilha, J., Silva, N., Camotim, D. Glass fibre reinforced polymer pultruded flexural members: Assessment of existing design methods. Structural Engineering International: Journal of the International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE), 20 (4), pp. 362-369.
Correia, J.R., Branco, F.A., Ferreira, J.G. Flexural behaviour of multi-span GFRP-concrete hybrid beams. Engineering Structures, 31 (7), pp. 1369-1381.
Vallée, T., Keller, T., Fourestey, G., Fournier, B., Correia, J.R. Adhesively bonded joints composed of pultruded adherends: Considerations at the upper tail of the material strength statistical distribution. Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 24 (3), pp. 358-366.
Correia, J.R., Branco, F.A., Ferreira, J. GFRP-concrete hybrid cross-sections for floors of buildings. Engineering Structures, 31 (6), pp. 1331-1343.
Correia, J.R., Branco, F.A.B., De Brito, J.M.C.L. Analysis of São Vicente de Fora church, Portugal. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Structures and Buildings, 160 (4 B), pp. 187-196.
Correia, J.R., Branco, F.A., Ferreira, J.G. Flexural behaviour of GFRP-concrete hybrid beams with interconnection slip. Composite Structures, 77 (1), pp. 66-78.
Vallée, T., Correia, J.R., Keller, T. Probabilistic strength prediction for double lap joints composed of pultruded GFRP profiles – Part II: Strength prediction. Composites Science and Technology, 66 (13), pp. 1915-1930.
Vallée, T., Correia, J.R., Keller, T. Probabilistic strength prediction for double lap joints composed of pultruded GFRP profiles part I: Experimental and numerical investigations. Composites Science and Technology, 66 (13), pp. 1903-1914.
Correia, J.R., Ferreira, J., Branco, F.A. A rehabilitation study of sandwich GRC facade panels. Construction and Building Materials, 20 (8), pp. 554-561.
Correia, J.R., Branco, F.A.B. New methodology: Permit checking of vehicular overloads. Journal of Bridge Engineering, 11 (3), pp. 274-281.
Correia, J.R., De Brito, J., Pereira, A.S. Effects on concrete durability of using recycled ceramic aggregates. Materials and Structures, 39 (2), pp. 169-177.
Correia, J.R., Cabral-Fonseca, S., Branco, F.A., Ferreira, J.G., Eusébio, M.I., Rodrigues, M.P. Durability of pultruded glass-fiber-reinforced polyester profiles for structural applications. Mechanics of Composite Materials, 42 (4), pp. 325-338.
De Brito, J., Pereira, A.S., Correia, J.R. Mechanical behaviour of non-structural concrete made with recycled ceramic aggregates. Cement and Concrete Composites, 27 (4), pp. 429-433.